What is Implantation bleeding?
It is important to know what implantation bleeding or implantation spotting is, if you are trying to get pregnant. It is a spotting that occurs when the fertilised egg tries to attach itself to the walls of the uterus. What does implantation bleeding look like on a pad, on toilet paper, on a tampon, in underwear or when you wipe ?. It is a scanty discharge of light blood (pinkish or brownish) with no blood clots and doesn't get heavy like you normal period.
It is on of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, and it can be confused for a lighter period flow. But there is a difference between bleeding during implantation and your normal period.
The bleeding is lighter than you normal period. It resembles a scanty light blood, a pink or brownish discharge or spotting.
What does spotting look like and How to Recognise it
These are ways you can easily recognise if way you are experiencing is implantation spotting or bleeding. These ways are:ghter in color than your regular period flow. Although a few women have experienced a darker color than their normal mensuration flow.
Spotting Implantation Bleeding In Toilet Bowl
The color is a pinkish or brownish discharge or spots like a few blood streaks.
It will not contain blood clots like your normal period. It is not heavy like you period.The spotting will remain scanty and light for the all duration of time. Whereas your regular blood flow gets heavier as you progress further into your period.
The duration is usually for a few hours but it can last for 1-2 days. It is not as long as your period which last for 3-5 days.
Now let's take a look at some images and pictures.
Pictures of Spotting in early pregnancy

ting look likeImplantation Spotting is another word for implantation bleeding. So it looks exactly the same way. A light pinkish or brownish spots of blood that you see on a toilet paper or on a pad during the implantation process.
What it looks like on a Toilet Paper
Here is what bleeding or spotting looks like on toilet paper or tissue paper, when you wipe yourself.
What spotting look like on a Pad
Here is what light bleeding or spotting during implantation looks like on a pad or party liner.
When to expect implantation bleeding?
Implantation bleeding occurs 6-7 days after conception. Every woman's reproductive system is different. For a few women it can be up to 10-12 days after fertilisation.
Difference between bleeding during implantation and period
Most times women are not sure if they are experiencing implantation bleeding or period.
Here are the major differences between bloody discharge during implantation and a period.
1. Blot Clots: Your normal period is usually accompanied by clots of blood but spotting during implantation has no blood clots in it.
2. Cramps : Your normal mensuration flow is usually accompanied by menstrual cramps where as cramping during implantation is very mild or unnoticeable.
3. Flow : Your normal mensuration flow is usually light on the first day, heavier in the middle and then lighter towards the end. Spotting during implantation is scanty drops of light blood for a few hours or 1-2 days.
4. How Long : Your regular mensuration last for 3-7 days. While bleeding during implantation last for a few hours or 1-2 days.
When does spotting occur
Spotting occurs 6-7 days after the egg has been fertilised. In general 6-7 days post ovulation. For implantation to occur the fertilised egg will travel for a few days through the fallopian tube to the womb. It arrives in the uterus on day 6 and it starts to dig or burrow through the uterus lining to make its new home.
Implantation occurs between 6 to 12 days after fertilisation. For most women it happen 6 to 7 days after conception. But for some it can happen as late as 12 days after fertilisation.
Symptoms and signs of Implantation /early pregnancy symptoms
These are the signs and symptoms of implantation before a missed period.
1. Implantation Bleeding
2. Implantation Cramping
3. Breast Tenderness
4. Frequent Urination
5. Hot Flashes
Now that you know what and how implantation blood should look like, take a pregnancy test a week after a missed period to confirm pregnancy.
Spotting Implantation Bleeding In Toilet Bowl
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