Psoriasis motivation

Image may contain: possible text that says 'To wear a short red dress with heels is sexy But, to strut red, inflamed patches with confidence isn't only sexier it's beyond beautiful'

When you need inspiration and support living with #psoriasis just #getyourskinout and be apart of the amazing community who shares daily. You have a choice - own it, be in the know , don’t hide, #getyourskinout !

#health #dermatology #psoriasisawareness #diet #womenshealth #menshealth #positivity #bodypositive #nhs #beauty #progress #skin #education #community #bodyconfidence #treatment #psoriasisawareness #autoimmunedisease #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #journey #blogger #food #nutrition #cleaneating #newyear #2020 #motivation

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No matter where you are, what you wear, or how bad your #psoriasis is #getyourskinout 👌🏼 big love to this fantastic community. •

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Going Far, together - a Krya Saturday update

“Ma’m, Naa namba conditioning hair oil and conditioning hairwash than use panren. Oil nalla poguthu. Neenga kavalai padama try pannunga”, (Ma’m, I too use the Krya conditioning hair oil and hair wash. The hairwash is able to remove the oil well, so you can try this combination without any worry), reassured R, our Customer service associate on the Krya phone.

One of the first things we did at Krya was to institute a most generous staff discount so that our employees get to try our products. I have been monitoring staff sales for sometime now, and I am pleased to report that the number of products our employees buy and use is both varied and unusual.

They chose the products they buy based on the internal product testing we do. We have on file every single employee’s skin and hair type, and everytime a new product is made or a batch of skin care products is made, people whose skin / hair types match are asked to test the formulations out.

This is besides the general care and hygiene practices we follow like rinsing our herbs and grains in filtered water, drying them in 60 degree centigrade, using special herb gloves, surgical head gear and masks in the production area, cleaning out the machines using a hot air blower every day .

We do human volunteer testing to check for any usage anomalies like changes in granularity, any kind of skin irritation, and also to get an idea of how the products feel on skin.

R, our Customer Service associate has dry, thick and extremely curly hair. She uses the Krya extra conditioning hair oil and hair wash and is fast becoming an expert on guiding consumers on how to get the best out of these 2 products.

3 among our employees have Pitta related acne – today I noticed EA, our production associate buying herself a pack of our newly launched Anti acne face mask, after she got to try it out during our internal testing phase.

SA, our Purchase and Accounts Associate has been waxing eloquent about our Classic hair system. She has found an excellent improvement in hair growth and in hair texture (she often complains that her rubber bands slide off her hair because of how smooth it is!) and is now going to try our newly launched Krya Classic Hair nourishing mask.

NE in Production has just bought herself our newly launched Lotus and Lodhra Bodywash for Sensitive skin – her skin tends to be extra sensitive and reactive to the sun, so I have suggested using this product to keep her skin’s integrity intact.

Incidentally, today being ND Saturday, Team Krya launched 5 new products and 2 new Hair systems. We have also been making excellent progress on our hair colour project. So I have written a much longer blog post explaining the science behind our natural hair colours, and I have gone into detail about each of our new products.

But this post is for an entirely different reason. Once, very long ago, I happened to go into my neighborhood organic store and had asked the counter sales girl a recommendation between 2 varieties of rice – I remember asking her, rather naively, what she personally liked. Her answer stays in my mind to date: “Yennala intha araisla sapda mudiyathu madam. Naaga ration arisi than sapdarom” – (“I can’t afford to eat this organic rice madam. In my home we eat the subsidized ration rice”).

At the time, Srini and I were the only 2 employees at Krya (this was way back in 2010, when we had just begun working on Krya’s formulations), and I remember us vowing that things would be different at Krya – our employees would be able to afford our products and they would be the first people to enjoy the benefits offered by our products.

I am proud to note, that without a conscious push from us, and motivated just by their experience testing our products, and being a part of the team that gets to see and be trained on what goes into our products, our employees are able to see a real, discernible benefit behind the products that we make.

Every month, just after they receive their salary, they put their money down on the table and buy the Krya products that they like and the products that work very well for them.

And to me, this ringing cash register, spells success. Of a very hard won, long dreamed of, kind.

A very very happy Saturday to you. Team Krya wishes you a fantastic weekend ahead that is full of the ringing sounds of hard-won, very sweet success.

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