blue waffle disease
Its a hoax. Supposedly, its an STD that leaves a woman’s vagina scabby, itchy and turning blue. To make it look real, a lot of images were photshopped and then dumped on the internet.
Some of the symptoms were real enough - if you have Herpes Simples Virus 2 or genital herpes - ordinary already existing medical conditions that you should have checked out if you have them.
Otherwise there is no need to panic. Which was probably the point. Somebody had too much time on their hands and wanted to pull a prank. And some fell for it, including a New Jersey Councilwoman.
Blue waffle disease is a fictional sexually transmitted disease that is said only to affect females. “Waffle” is a slang term for vagina, and blue refers to one of the imaginary symptoms of this fake condition.
However, this sexually transmitted disease (STD) is nothing more than a rumor started on the internet. There is no medical evidence that it exists.
According to online sources, blue waffle disease is a condition that can disfigure a person’s vulva and vaginal area and turn it blue. While there are many real and life-changing STDs, none of them turn the vulva blue.

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